SAMCOM is a annual convention that Inbev has to educate its distributors on new products and innovations in the pipeline.
In the past, distributors had to walk around the convention floor with a bag, collecting literature about new beers that were available to them. Wanting to make this process easier, AB talked to Daugherty about creating an app that would allow them to easily look through a catalog, add items to a cart and then have the documents sent to their email where they could read at their leisure when they got back to their offices.
We were told that an agency in New York was also talking to them about making the app. The Dev Center at Daugherty contacted me to see how quickly we could spin up a prototype to display UI capabilities at Daugherty.
I collaborated with another person on the Marcom team to quickly come up with a story to talk around and a path to show. We were able to leverage existing assets from a previous AB project to create a collection of static screens within 2 hours that won Daugherty the opportunity to make the iOS app.